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Being a Personal Trainer for more than a decade, I can definitely say lower back pain and back pain in general has risen dramaticly over the last few years. So knowing this information it is vital to take steps and make changes to our daily routine to tackle back pain and irritation. Training is an integral part of any healthy regime, whether you are just using light weights, cardio or strecthes to releive your back pain.
If you want to tackle your back pain and eleviate discomfort, a tailored training programme and guidance is key.
Weight training is also vital if you are trying to improve your overall level of health.
Low back pain (LBP) is pain, muscle tension or stiffness localised below the shoulder area, with or without leg pain (sciatica).
Back pain may be clearly due to an accident, injury, trauma or disease but for a significant percentage of back pain sufferers there is no specific problem, injury or disease and it is not clear what is causing the pain.
This second type of back pain is known as ‘non-specific’ low back pain (NSLBP).
Symptoms that may indicate specific LBP and lead to further investigation are:
The main causes of specific Back Pain fall under the general headings of:
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