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Pre-Natal & Post-Natal Exercise Specialist

Healthy Mum = Healthy Baby!

Being a Post-Natal Exercise Personal Trainer, I can honestly say Ante-Natal/Post Natal exercise is an extremely important part of keeping yourself and your baby fit & healthy during and after pregnancy. 

Exercises are specially modified to stay safe yet be effective through out all tri-masters and after birth.

As mother and baby grow as does the challenge of exercising safely and effectively, this includes staying motivated.

Energy levels are usually low during the first and third tri-master which can leave mum to be, less enthusiastic about keeping fit.

A2PT designs and delivers exercise sessions targeting crucial areas during pregnancy always keeping sessions fun and safe.

The aim of exercise during pregnancy is simple, strengthen the body in preparation for birth yet keeping mum supple and flexible allowing an easier birth and quicker recovery time.

Post Natal exercises are targeted at losing the extra weight gained during pregnancy, toning and re-strengthening the muscles of the body which include the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. 

Each client is treated as an individual and sessions are tailored to your Pre-Natal and Post Natal needs, specifically targeting the areas you are most concerned about while maintaining a high level of safety and efficiency.

Feel confident and feel safe during and after pregnancy as you will be training with a fully qualified and insured Ante-Natal and Post Natal Exercise specialist.

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